Sometimes change may come quick and easy. But at other times it will be slow and frustrating. There is no magic formula and no instant painless cure. However, you can learn new ways of looking at your problems that will be very helpful in changing your feelings and reactions. You can learn new skills to help you communicate more effectively and behavioral techniques to reduce your stress and anxiety.As with any powerful experience there are risks as well as benefits to therapy. For example, in therapy there is the risk that for a time you may feel sadness, guilt, anger, frustration, helplessness, loneliness and other unpleasant feelings. You may recall unhappy memories. Therapy may disrupt relationships. Family secrets may be told. Therapy may even lead to divorce as one partner changes and the other does not. There is also the possibility that therapy may not work for you. No ethical therapist can promise you a positive outcome.But while considering these risks, you should also know there are many proven benefits to therapy. Hundreds of well designed studies have shown the positive effects of therapy. You may find your mood becoming more positive, and your sense of self-esteem enhanced. You may be less angry, anxious, or afraid. Your relationships can improve greatly and become more satisfying. Your coping skills can improve. Your personal goals and values may become clearer. You can grow in many directions--at work, at school, in your personal relations, and in your ability to enjoy life.
You can be happy and content.
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